you are my candy eye

Monday, August 20, 2007

i am going back to school...
the 4 months hols finally is over
am excited to go back to school yet scared
i hope i dun screw up again like last term..
time to buck up and score
ready... get set... run!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

take a step backwards
i see the look on your faces

i apologize for being different
i thought i knew
but i didnt
i thought i enjoyed
but i only felt the opposite

i will not leave
because i know one day i will return

when the day we become someone
become stronger
become wiser
thats when we all know those things left behind us meant nothing
'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright,
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try,
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

walking down the road...
the dark sky over me
in between short sentences was the sound of
on the other line was the sound of
we all learn that things do not always go your way
learn that the whole world stopped revolving around you when you started making friends
learn that not everyone is watching you anymore
learn that friends will come all the time and they go forever
learn that tears can be something good
have we ever just pause and realize how many things we have taken for granted?
have we ever learn to let go something that means so much to us?
have we stopped telling lies to make people feel better?
have we stopped complaining and regret later?
many things come and go in life
keep the good ones and throw out the bad ones
make me happy today!!!