you are my candy eye

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

7 days 6 nights 1 experience
i had the time of my life.. my trip to philippines is the best in my entire life. before this trip i had expectations that seem impossible. i wanted to bring hope to the people there. however, when i reached there, it is they who opened my hearts and gave me hope. i remember clearly the first day i was at baseco, the site which we were suppose to build our house, he place was in a mess. i didnt expect to see hwat was before me.. the slums were so close to the upgraded houses. its like there were separated by a basketball court. in my mind, i was thinking ," what would the people living at the slums be thinking? do they feel inferior? how do the people living in the upgraded house look at their past neighbours who used to live at the slums too? two diverse community but both sharing the same soil" i was confused and disturbed. the next day got better when i met some of the home builders. they already had their upgraded houses and working on the work site is a form of community service for them. they were so cheerful and delighted to see us there. accompanying us were 3 volunteers from philippines who will be with us throughout the trip,. they were with me during my 2nd day of building, they were helping me translate what i wanted to tell the workers and what they want to instruct us to do. the one worker that i remember dearly was oka.. he is so sweet.. he would always attend to our needs and if we ever made a mistake he would just smile scratch his head and say "ok ok" and he would modify the wrongly cut board to suit to their needs. never once i heard them complaining abt the weather, the mistakes we made or anything. they were happy people who are satisfied with what they have.. the last day at the work site was sad.. we could not go to the work site on the third day sbecause of the typhoon but on the 4th day we went back there for the last time thugh we know its gonna be a typhoon later.. we sang two songs to them and took photos with them.. it was really sad to leave that place.
my 3 maganda angels during this trip. they were the best.. they protected guide us through the whole trip. they were themselves volunteers but they were all out to keep us safe and warm.. their friendship has been one of the best rewards i got from this trip. they always make sure every one of us was feeling ok. on the roads, they surround us such that no harm can reach us. they were the sweetest angels i have ever met. their willingness was something that moved me to step up and serve others as well. their enthusiasm was something that made me strive further.. it was them that made me realise how my life should be changed around. thank you and mahal ko kayo i love you all..

Saturday, July 22, 2006

ella's daughter. this pic was taken at philippines. the little is the daughter of one of the women that was taking care of us when we were resting in the rest house. she is so cute. i miss those times when i was there.. the simplicity of life there is such an envy. coming back to singapore means i had to face the stuff that is happening. i really yearn for that kind of life.. for the next week or so i shall write more about my trip. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

day 1. we reached manlia clark in the afternoon after a tiring flight in the morning. all 17 of us were in a small van heading to lunch. Joillbee was our first stop. each vaule meal had rice as a side dish. the sun was scorching hot. had to put sunblock before i get darker. then after lunch we went to the place we were suppose to stay at. on the way there, i saw this group of local guys talking to 2 foreigners apparently asking for directions. then they gave some money to them as a form of saying thanks. one other guy who was holding this bag of gule sniffing in one hand walk up towards them to ask for money too.. but the foreigners got on the cab in time to avoid him. it was scary to see how openly he was sniffing glue. i guess its not a common sight in singapore but there its a everyday sight. we reached Shalom Centre the place that we were gonna stay for the week.. the place was much better than we had expeced. the dorms were fully air-conditioned. and the toilets were quite clean.. i was really excited about the trip just looking at the dorms. yipee go go go..

i really miss baseco!! i miss oka..
i really miss elaine pearl and ynna..
hope to see all of you soon..
come see spore kk

i am missing my trip again.. when will i get another week off from the life of singapore. darn..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

thank you friends.
you guys were the best treatment for me! i cant imagine without you all.. there were no masks no cover ups just simple food, tea, frappe and us.. everytime when i hang out with you all its like an instant injection to my system.. haha boost me up for the next week or so.. you guys know what to do to make things go aok.. i wanted to work on my assignment but decided this was far more important than any assignment i have. i guess this once in a while meet up thingy is so so good. lets do it still even when we are back studying.. hoooooooo!!!
we all have grown in our small little ways. the change in us throughout the years was seen by the rest. it is through each one of us we learn more about ourselves. i see myself grow stronger each time i think about you guys. thanks for being so supportive and just being yourself all the time.
i love all of you.
p.s yue liang we miss you too..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i hate being the perfect being
i hate being the joy for others
i hate giving love
He came
He showed me how its like to be the perfect being
He showed me how to be the joy
and He showed me how to love

i was tired and fed up with myself.. the laughter has died out and the joy is slowly fading off.. and the heart is weary.. quietly i listen to my heart beat at every stop of my life. then i remembered Your love for me. a deep breathe and strength is regained.
for the past few days my bunch of friends has been sending mails to each other. thanks for their emails that never fails to bring smiles to that shagged face of mine. life has been better just with you guys around.
i need more courage more strength more love to go on esp this week. has been troubled by financial stuff.. money has not been my best friend. i have got to trust more but its tough. and i wanna just earn lots of it so it could be last of my worries.and there is YC elections. accept or reject?? ponder ponder.. i guess i need more prayer but then again i think i know what my answer is..

thank God for being the source of my strength

Sunday, July 16, 2006

i am back!!! my mission trip to philippines has been the best in my entire life.. i missed it so much now that i am back in singapore.. yipee.. the people warm my heart.. i love them to the max.. mahal ko kayo..
the spirit the people has shown made me wanna boost up and radiate with love. the faces i have met are the most beatiful and simple i have yet to seen int he past few years of my life. i had to thank the people who made this tripsuch a beautiful one. and above all i wanna thank God for guiding us throughout this trip.
special thanks to my three maganda angels:
hi there all my pretty girls.. you all really made me feel so loved throughout the trip.. i still remember the first day when i saw you girls bringing us to the took care of our needs make sure we were safe.. putting us before yourself. i was really moved by all of your sincerity.. i know that the place we stay is quite far from your home but that hadnt failed you from coming early each morning and staying late with us each night. i still remember asking pearl what time she must wake up.. and i was shocked that she has to wake up at 4am.. you guys have to wake up so early but never once had you all been late. each one of you reminded me how much i taken things for granted. the love the cares the friendship you have given me its the best gift i had from philippines. i really hope i can go there again and we can spent late nights laughing and talking again..i will never forget the friendship. the tears we have shed for this friendship too. probably at times others might not understand but i can see it and i feel the love you have radiated around you.. all of you have been special. thank you again. mahal ko kayo i love you all .
god bless

Sunday, July 02, 2006

5 years had passed
finally all that waiting was over
she got to see that
one mini few seconds of him
he forgot how she looked
forgot who she was
broken shattered.

plastic smiles covered her face
the one song melted the plastic
tears flowed

history was never meant to be kept
it was meant to be
left aside..

let her be
let her be herself just for these days
let her cry
let her be
let her cry her 5 years of
and wishes...