you are my candy eye

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i love my blog.. it has so many shit that i have wrote.. i prob dun rmb all the other stuff i have said before. oh well.. why bother? i have been bothered by too many stuff.. to the extent that its stopping me from throughly enjoying myself. oh damn. sometimes i should just let things be and let go. forget about anger and shit ppl. but if i am like that then i wouldnt be me anymore.. i will be like some other thing.. maybe ruby.. haha get it? lame..
so lets see i read this out to rachel and qiu xia (work peep) during lunch one day.. haha "people says that eating a doughnut would make you fat. but they got it wrong. eating one doughnut will not make you fat but eating 10 will.." haha so so so to all the people who are counting their calories instead of enjoying the food this is what i have to say.. haha " eat one not ten" hee hee..
special note to my honeydrew: " i love you! and sorry for showing a black face at times."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gordon and Des Wedding

i love weddings! the day one is in my church and the night is at the swiss hotel. so nice i like.. have a good life ahead gordon and des.
date of the special day: 10th june 2006

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its been a while since i blog.. been busy working and blogging is the last thing on my mind. i thought there are many things happening that result in a state i am in. but i came to realise it was all one thing. that things became clearer and resulting in hurtful words and tears being shed. i guess its time to take things slower and be more quiet. being on my own isnt after all all that bad. sometimes they say we have to talk it out.. but i say otherwise. whats the use of trying to explain a bunch of stuff when things either dun change or get worse. it might just end up with me being in a worse state. i have been through it and i know whats it like. confrontation is what we shld all avoid. take a step back breathe and look elsewhere. thats what i have learnt.
there are some people who thinks that they are the only busy ones. hey! time for a reality check. the whole fucking world is busy not only you princess.. i guess i just have to tolerate others "innocence" for everybody's sake. tolerance has reached a different level. the stages are added so that i dun blow up. well thats good. lets just hope the bomb to be deactivated soon.
walking in mango was madness.. i went to the sales on thurs.. there is like so many hundreds and hundreds of people.. all after something they dun know. it might seem dumb but the sales was reaaly good. everything that you wanted from mango was on sale. i bought what i wanted and was happy. it was good relief that i didnt buy it last sunday! woohoo..
i am such a random person. i am just typing whatever that strikes me. like random typing. which i kinda if like doing. rigid is so boring and sometimes so tiring. this is what you must do so i shld do blah blah blah.. i think we shld have a practice of praising people. when was the last time you actually praised someone? you prob kept critising and putting others down that you forgot what is it like to praise. i know some who are like that. and its so irritating. i just wanna moven away from such ppl.. sigh. i praised someone today.. have you?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

its funny how some people scare you. haha i just realise it. suddenly i am so glad there is friends. it kinds of prevents people like me, who do things on impulse, from making a wrong move. whoooo.. that was so so close. i am so glad.
i think i have grown older overnight. i made to realise things that i dun want to know and have to put down my pride to allow it to happen or just to forget that it has happened. things are happening around the world. it saddens me to see what is going on. i am beginning to ponder if all this was something of someone's plans. perhaps someone is trying to take over the world. steps by steps this person would create obstacles so great that mankind cant overcome. maybe those movies about end of the world and all those stuff about evil ppl trying to take over the world are true. maybe cartoons like pinky and the brain are true. maybe in a secret corner right now while i am typing all this someone out there is planning to kill more people. maybe maybe maybe.
random thoughts just flowing out to give space for the new week ahead.
over the weekend questions flooded my head over stuff. the world, the church, the passerbys, the friends, the family... there is so many who where what how why.. its so difficult to answer them. i choose to give up answering them and just push it at the back of my head. i didnt want to go thru all the trouble of answering and pondering. "get over with it and move on" thats all i could think of. it was then on sat night when all time stops moving. for that 10 mins during that night i felt the inner desire for something so great to happen, a desire to believe and have faith. the room was lit up by that little candle symbolic of the little hope i have for everyone. it was then i realise how selfish i have been. to think about me and myself and my own problems. i neglected everything worse that was happening around me. who am i to complain? who am i to judge? who am i to feel neglected? i am so blessed just being alive. i should be thankful. so then i decide to try to block those negative thoughts away. i am still trying and praying. hopefully all things turns well.

a treasure that is difficult to keep is better left unkept.

Friday, June 02, 2006

sorry to have left my blog like postless for the past few days. i was caught with work and blogging didnt seem to come across my mind. i finally made up my mind. i am going for my mission trip. it just seems so coincidence how things work out. i was worried about the money and all one moment and before i knew it i was gg to pay half of it cos i am below 21. perhaps its coincidence perhaps its part of His plans. i never would know... but thanks. that was a relief off my back. i was just amazed.
back at work just seems so routine. its the things you do all the time everyday. smile at customers and try to be nice to them. i have to admit that i bitch abt them. its so irritating when they treat us without any respect. hellooo i am a waitress not your servant. today this mexican group of women who talk loudly and are just freaking rude. it was damn irritating. they were like shouting " HELLO HELLO WATER!" or like " HERE HERE!" i am like argh.. but there were really nice customers i met today. a mother and child asked me my name and they were really nice ppl. thank goodness they were there to make my day. probably this is how God works at times. He gives you the both sides of everything and we decide which will affect us more. i had the choice of treating the other customers badly but i choose not too.
thank goodness i have my crazy bunch of friends. i wld never know where i will be without them to crack me up. there are like my energy tablets. cant wait to have fun tonight.